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Douglas Chironno, Dougfit Personal trainer and Nutritionist M.S. NYC

Is an experienced Personal Trainer and Nutritionist in Manhattan, New York City. He has competed in several fitness competitions in the U.S., holds a masters degree in Nutrition and Exercise Science and has helped a wide variety of clients achieve their health and fitness goals.

Douglas Chironno, Personal Trainer and Nutritionist M.S.

Douglas Chironno is a top level certified personal trainer and exercise nutritionist from the heart of Manhattan, New York City.  With an advanced degree in nutrition and exercise, paired with several years of experience including competing and coaching clients in powerlifting, men's physique and prepping models to drop hip size for the runway. Douglas has advanced knowledge in providing exercise techniques and nutrition guidelines to improve posture, strength, muscle definition, weight loss and sports performance with a science based and holistic approach to enhance physique, vitality, health and fitness. 

Douglas Chironno “DougFit” is a leading fitness coach and nutritionist in the fitness, wellness and nutrition industry. With a dual Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Exercise, he has helped hundreds of clients get in the best shape of their life.

Dougfit Model Trainer And Nutritionist NYC

With over 10 years experience in personal training and nutrition in NYC

Doug Coaches Clients Online and Live in Person


Contact Doug For Personal Training and Nutrition Programs In The Form Below

Personal Training Experience 10+ Years

While completing his B.S. in Dietetics, Douglas completed his A.C.E personal training certification and served as the first Personal Training Director for Oneonta's "BeFit" student fitness organization. Douglas then went on to become one of Equinox’s top tier trainers while completing his Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition. Douglas also possesses a “Human Movement Specialist” Certification from the Brookbush Institute. View Douglas  Chironno | ACE Certified Personal Trainer Profile

Fitness Competitions

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Douglas has competed and placed in several powerlifting, bodybuilding and men's physique contests across the U.S. Douglas has competed in three National Level NPC competitions. Douglas coaches a wide variety of clients across all age ranges and industries. He has helped clients train for power and bodybuilding competitions.

Nutrition Expertise

Doug Has Developed A Simple and Effective Diet System That Helps Burn Belly Fat by Boosting Metabolism and Decreasing Inflammation.

Work With Your Metabolism

Doug’s Nutrition System is Easy to Follow and Effective

Doug holds a Degree in Dietetics and an M.S. in Nutrition and Exercise Science. Doug has helped many clients achieve sustained weight loss and lean muscle gain through using science based and easy to follow nutrition advice. Doug often is able to help clients not only gain but maintain their goals much faster than a personal trainer or nutritionist alone. Doug is currently working on a second book on nutrition which is given to his clients and contains cutting edge research and practical examples of how to eat to boost your metabolism.

Expert On Food Allergies And the Process of Healing Them

Douglas’s education in nutrition and application to exercise began at a young age. Having been diagnosed with celiac before the Food Allergen Label Act , Doug had to learn to read and understand nutrition labels at just the age of 11. At 16, Douglas was first employed at a local health food shop where he spent a great amount of time learning the science of foods, supplements, diets, vitamins and herbs.

Doug has helped himself and others heal their guts and reduce or eliminate food allergies. With a vast knowledge of food groups, possible triggers and function of the gut Doug has clients eliminate suspected allergens from their diet while introducing a healthy customized low inflammatory diet allowing the gut to heal and many allergies dissipate.


Corporate Health Workshops For Better Posture

Doug has developed a simple effective and affordable workshop that improves posture, health, focus and employee wellness. These health and wellness workshops can be done anywhere and are all inclusive with no prior exercise experience needed.

With over a decade in providing top level service in the health and wellness space Doug has the experience and dedication to help you on your health wellness and fitness goals.

To contact Doug please fill out the following form: